what is cancer infographic
what is cancer infographic
what is cancer infographic
what is cancer infographic
what is cancer infographic
what is cancer infographic
what is cancer infographic
what is cancer infographic
what is cancer infographic
what is cancer infographic
what is cancer infographic

No matter where a cancer may have spread, it is always named for the place where it started. For example, colon cancer which has spread to the liver is still colon cancer, not liver cancer. If cells move away from the original (primary) cancer site and spread to other organs and bones, this is known as a mestastasis or secondary cancer. In the example listed above the colon cancer would be the primary cancer and the liver cancer would be the secondary

what is cancer infographic
what is cancer infographic

They can often be removed, and in most cases, they do not come back. These type of cells do not spread to other parts of the body. These tumours are never life threatening.